Hurstwood Reservoirphoto
5 1
Dog walk

Hurstwood Reservoir

Burnley, Worsthorne

Type of walk


What's here

Free Parking, Off Lead Areas, Pathed Routes

About this walk

Park up and follow the path through the gate, walk up the path to the reservoir and walk around it. It takes about 45 minutes but if your dog loves water like Hector does you will spend ages at the waters edge throwing a ball into the water!! We have hector off lead however if you decide to walk through the woodland off path beware of mountain bikes and horses.

Walk added by

ellenburke profile


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Comments (4)

  • steven profile

    8 years ago

    This is the best walking area around, you can walk for hours, across the moors, around the 4 reservoirs, through the woods, its up to you. some areas do have sheep roaming so be careful
  • Mercy2805 profile

    5 years ago

    Walked round today with Albert (doggo). Not ideal when it's just been raining if haven't got decent footwear (wellies) as gets very muddy. But has beautiful sights and even some sheep in neighbouring fields. Be careful as horse riders do use these routes to. Dogs must be kept on leads due to live stock
  • Alchimaera profile

    3 years ago

    Blue/Green algae known to be here so be careful to wash your dog and don't allow them to drink the water here. Great walk tho :)
  • Madmum profile

    3 years ago

    Lovely walk just watch for the sheep on the moors section.
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How to get there


23 Hurstwood Ln, Worsthorne, Burnley BB10 3LF, UK View on Google

what3words address

///fields.latest.pines View on w3w

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